Cafeteria » Breakfast and Lunch Information

Breakfast and Lunch Information

Los Angeles Unified is a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) district and families do not need to submit a meal application. Under the California Universal Meal Program, students do not pay for meals. If a student requests a second meal, then they are required to pay a la carte prices.



BIC Logo What is Breakfast In The Classroom (BIC)?

Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) provides breakfast at no charge to students in class, after the first bell.
How Will Breakfast In The Classroom Be Served?
Breakfast in the Classroom meals are packed at the cafeteria and picked up in temperature controlled bags by the students and delivered to the classrooms.
Below is the nutritional information and allergens list for all of the food options at our school.

Click here to view 186th Street Elementary's Cafe Menu

See our vegan options below!